Examples List

Here is a list of all my current example files.  All links are via Dropbox and if you would like to show your support and don’t already have a Dropbox account you can sign up using this LINK.  Thank You.

Array:  Find first value – Find the first index with a certain value and store that index.

Array:  Find highest & lowest values – Find the Highest & lowest values in an array and store there position in the array.

Array:  Find last index with value – Find the last index with a certain value and store that index.

Basic roguelike movement – Standard roguelike movement that “jumps” the player to it’s new position.

Draw a line between 2 objects – Draws a solid line between 2 moveable objects.

Dungeon/cave generation – A example using the “digging” method of creating a random dungeon/cave.

Platformer:  Water example 1 – One way of adding water that you can swim in to your platform games.

Platformer:  Falling too far – An example showing how to test if you platform character has fallen too far.

Pong paddle AI – A basic example of a Pong paddle AI computer opponent.

Smooth roguelike movement 1 – Roguelike movement that slides the player into the next empty grid space.

Smooth roguelike movement 2 – Roguelike movement that slides the player into the next empty grid space while a key is held down.

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