Category Archives: News

Lack of updates :(

Sorry for the recent lack of updates & examples.

I’ve shifted my focus slightly and have started work on my first Construct 2 E-Book.  The book is going to cover the scary topic of “Arrays”.  It’s still in the early stages but I’m getting the basics of the book together and have made a good start of writing one of the step-by-step tutorials.

The book (if completed) is more than likely going to be self published and be either free or dirt cheap (£2-5) considering the amount of content I hope to include.

New examples will use latest “stable” release

As the title says from now on all examples will need the latest “stable” Construct 2 release.  This should be better for everyone who either can’t keep up with the beta releases or prefers to only use the stable release branch.

I think that the latest “stable” should open all of the examples previously posted.  If you find one that won’t open leave a comment and I’ll fix it straight away.

Hello World

Welcome to my new tutorials blog for Scirra’s wonderful game-making tool Construct 2.

Construct 2 seems to have a huge influx of new users so I thought I’d share my limited knowledge with everyone.  Hopefully you’ll find something here that will help you out, teach you something new and get you on the road to creating your very first game.

Tutorials will vary in size from full games to small example’s to solve a particular problem.

I’ll start adding content soon.  Stay tuned.